How to connect strategies to portfolios, projects and teams from a single platform?

Wed, Jun 29, 2022 10:00 – 11:00 AM EST

“Uppwise: Ensure Strategy Realisation leveraging strong execution capabilities.”


We are extremely excited that Gartner included for the second consecutive year Uppwise in their Magic Quadrant for Strategic Portfolio Management
Gioacchino Gaudioso, CEO of Uppwise.

  • Agenda

– Welcome & Introduction
– Why did Gartner name uppwise in their 2022 Magic Quadrant Strategic Portfolio Management?
– Uppwise SPM in action: see how you can drive Business agility Leveraging advanced capabilities to manage changes in nowadays volatile business contexts
– Q&A
– Closing



Gioacchino Gaudioso

CEO Uppwise

Hans Van Der Burg

Hans Van Der Burg

Head of Products at Uppwise

  • Join the webinar

See how Uppwise can help to connect strategies to portfolios, projects and teams across the enterprise.


  1. Visualise strategies and objectives, check if you are focused on the strategic objectives and make decisions with confidence
  2. Respond quickly when needed and allow teams to plan and schedule work, promoting efficiency and productivity
  3. Enable teams to work with Agile, Waterfall or Hybrid methodologies, while maintaining alignment with strategic goals