5 Project Reporting Requirements
It is not uncommon to have multiple members teaming up to work on a project, with each member assigned to different tasks and allocated additional resources. In contrast, a project manager oversees the entire project and manages the members.
Often though, specific details on a task can become lost or forgotten. This can sometimes create difficulty for other project managers and team members when making sense of the progress made.
This difficulty entails the necessity of project reporting in project management.
What is Project Reporting?
Project reporting is a vital part of project management. It allows project managers and all involved in the project process to keep track of projects and have complete insight and knowledge about the operations on a particular project.
More importantly, the project is properly documented and available to be used for future purposes. Summarily, project reporting describes all processes that give a general picture of the research, data collection, and conclusions in project work.
To create an excellent project report, certain guidelines and requirements must be obeyed. These project reporting requirements are carefully researched and tested to work with several projects. This write-up explains five necessary project reporting requirements.
Project Reporting Requirements When creating a project report, the goal is to inform its audience and serve as excellent reference material. Therefore, following a helpful and proven guide will help build an efficient report which will move the audience to a positive compromise. The project reporting requirements are as follows:
Present the Data in a Simple and Easy-to-follow Structure
A fundamental part of reports is the data presented in them. Data serves as the representation and feedback obtained from research. Therefore, the structure in which the data is presented is an essential guide for an excellent project report. If data is presented in an unstructured and unorganized format, the goal of the whole process will be automatically defeated as it would be difficult to pass across the information. Such a project report would make no meaning to the audience. If the data is ambiguous or too hard to understand, it becomes a problem to a new learner and may seem unreal. A good project report must find balance when presenting data.
Data is more presentable and understandable when it incorporates visual aids such as charts, pictures among others. This way, the audience can easily interpret and deduce what the data represents. Representing data in a simple structure is an important project reporting requirement in creating a report.
Make the Report Relevant to the Audience
An important attribute of a good project report is when it speaks directly to a specific audience. It must not be boring, go off-point or contain superfluous details. A good report is direct, unambiguous, and unbiased. The audience must see how the report directly affects them or can help them.
When it is uninformative to the target audience, they cannot act on the information provided in the report, and they might feel neglected and unconcerned with the project report. The goal of the report is therefore unmet, and the whole idea becomes pointless. However, by creating the report to make it communicate directly with the audience, purpose and life are given to the project report. It is essential to create a mental picture of the audience when creating the report. Thus, with every illustration and conclusion drawn, the audience must always be put into consideration. This technique allows such conclusions to be drawn in a way the audience understands and can relate with.
Conclusions Must be Based on Collected Data
One essential trait of a good project report is its authenticity. Good reports are, above all, true and reliable. When the data collected is authentic and appears as the focus of the report, it is easily reliable, and good management decisions can be made from it. Therefore, any data included in a project report must be verified for authenticity, and such data must not originate from hearsay or an unverifiable source.
False or non-existent data can lead to wrong decisions or misinterpretation of actual events. Accurate data based on true events are helpful and help to make good decisions. To ensure the data is genuine, it is important to verify its source and determine if it worked for a past project. Accurate data allows its audience to see things in the big picture and from the proper perspective. The conclusion drawn from such data can therefore be reliable, trustworthy, and good for reference.
Collect and Present Data With The Right Tools
The data contained in the project report are just as good as the tools used in collecting them. When the right tools are employed in compiling and presenting the data, the report is professional and can be deeply appreciated for the effort dedicated to its development.
There are several data collection and presentation tools available. Advancement in technology has made these tools easily accessible for free or at a cost. Regardless of how they are obtained, these tools have been proven effective, and they are easy to use. These tools are filled with visual aids to help effectively present collected data and bring home the drawn conclusions and are undoubtedly important project reporting requirements. One of such tools is Uppwise, a comprehensive service that enables businesses to keep track of important information on projects which can then be used in making a project report.
Be Open to Corrections, Queries, and Further Comments
While a good project report stands as an authoritative figure that can be referenced for future purposes, it must also be open to comments. Project reports often help test the character strength of its originator(s) and how well they respond to criticism.
Project reports, on many occasions, give rise to further cases and the need for future reports to tackle a new problem.
Therefore, a good project would do well to allow criticisms and queries. In the end, a favorable compromise can be achieved between the audience and the originator of such reports. A report that is open to comments reflects its flexibility and adaptability to evolving circumstances, and flexible reports allow all doubts and uncertainties to be laid to rest. While other guidelines and project reporting requirements must be followed when writing a project report, the above five are vital and indispensable.
A properly written project report requires diligence, a ton of research, and maintaining the highest standard of professionalism.
The project report must also speak to the audience and help move the audience to a positive decision. Other guidelines required for project reporting include; setting a clear conclusion, presenting the report in a definite and organized template, and providing references where needed. Project reporting requirements are important and must be adhered to to ensure that the report is produced in a straight, unbiased, and professional manner.
Founder of Uppwise, Gioacchino has solid hands-on, experience and vision in the PPM Market, gained as a startupper and founder of a number of software & cloud-services companies. During the last two years he has lead the company transformation, shifting from the offering of a traditional PPM product to a new suite of SPM, APM and CWM products.